Kohl’s Cyber Monday Sale is going STRONG today! There are TWO coupon codes you can stack together, to snag some GREAT deals on clothes! Plus you can now use your $15 Kohl’s Cash from all the deals last week to lower your out of pocket cost. If you have been wanting a Women’s Columbia Jacket, you can snag one today only for just $31.99! See how below.
Here’s how to score this HOT DEAL at Kohl’s::
- Go HERE and add this Women’s Columbia Blustery Summit Fleece Jacket, $49.99 (sale price)
- Go HERE and add another small item to get over $50 to use the $10/$50 coupon code
- Use coupon code JACKPOT to deduct $10
- Stack with coupon code NOV20 to deduct another 20%
- Final Price:: $31.99
Deal ends 11/30.
Be sure to check out the hottest Black Friday and Pre-Black Friday Sales HERE. You can also join our Facebook Group HERE to see the HOTTEST DEALS FIRST.