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How to be a Black Friday Shopping Ninja – Frugal Finds During Naptime

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Up your Black Friday game and become a Black Friday Shopping Ninja!

Shopping on Black Friday can lead to HUGE savings, but to maximize those savings you need to have a plan. E-commerce has made planning your shopping so much easier! Websites are laid out in an immaculate fashion which helps create a really personalized experience for the consumer. You can learn more about the importance of a satisfying customer journey in e-commerce by reading this Salesforce article. Anyway, I put together 10 things a friend and I do each year when we go Black Friday shopping. We have managed to snag some AWESOME deals by using these tips. We are both Black Friday Ninjas and take Black Friday shopping seriously. ????

1. Clean Out Your Vehicle.

This may sound crazy, but you need a place to put all those gifts. My Black Friday shopping buddy even has her husband take the seats out of her van so we have PLENTY of room for all the gifts.

2. Make a List.

Have a list of the items you want to purchase for each person. This ensures you don’t overspend, and helps you with planning. If you don’t know what you’re going to get each person, write down some things the person likes so if you come across something you can pick it up. For example, my husband never tells me the “big ticket” items he really wants, so I write down a list of new movies that have come out that he likes, and tools he has talked about. So if I come across these items on sale, I can pick them up. When it comes to making lists one of my friends is the absolute best! She’s from Canada and is a big fan of alternative medicines so she likes to buy weed online. It wouldn’t surprise me if she’d made a list of the medicinal products she’s going to buy from her favorite sites on Black Friday! (Pssst, sign up for my Christmas printables that comes with a gift planning sheet below…)

3. Have a Plan.

Take your list of the items you are planning to get everyone and see which ones are the “Door Busters” (you can do that by checking out our Black Friday section here with the Black Friday ads). After you’ve done that, you can make a plan to go to those stores depending on times the door busters start. For example, if you want to snag a door buster at Walmart and at JC Penney, you can plan to leave at 3 PM to be in line for JC Penney’s opening at 5 PM, then head to Walmart. (See a list of the times stores are opening for Black Friday here.)

4. Have a Map.

Usually, door buster items are not where you think they would be. For example, last year Walmart had their $5 Blu-rays in the frozen food department! You can usually go on the store’s website to see a map of where the items will be placed.This will help you know where you need to run . . . walk quickly to when the store opens.

5. Have a Shopping Buddy.

Not only is it safer to have a shopping buddy while out in the wee hours of the morning, but it’s also strategic. For example, last year I needed Blu-rays for my husband, Lalaloopsy Dolls for my oldest, and a TV for my husband in Walmart. My friend needed scooters for her kids, Lalaloopsy Dolls for her youngest daughter, and movies. She went to grab scooters and Lalaloopsy Dolls for BOTH our girls, while I went to the other side of the store to grab movies on BOTH of our lists and the TV. See? It’s strategic. ????

6. Dress Appropriately.

You’re going to be standing in long lines (oftentimes outside). Dress in layers, bring a jacket, and wear comfortable shoes. If it’s going to be really cold, bring along a hat and gloves too.

7. Bring a Small Cooler.

We didn’t do this last year, but swore we would this year after we had to pay full price for bottled cokes. (We are both frugal shoppers who use coupons, and don’t like paying full price.) It is cheaper to bring a cooler with bottled drinks and snacks to keep in the vehicle for when we do get thirsty, than to pay full price at the register. I mean, part of the reason we are going Black Friday shopping is to snag some great deals, not spend extra money on snacks.

8. Use Shopkick.

If you’re going to be going to Walmart, Target, JC Penney, and/or Old Navy, make sure you open your Shopkick app to get your “kicks” for walking into those stores. Remember you can use the “kicks” to cash in for gift cards to use towards Christmas Gifts.

9. Know Store Policies.

It’s a good thing to know the store policies of the stores you will be shopping at. I don’t mean you need to memorize the manual, but knowing that Walmart has a one hour price guarantee, that Target price matches, and a few other big things makes it easier on you when shopping. It is also crucial in planning your route for Black Friday Shopping.

10. Be Nice to the Cashiers.

I know that getting through the line to checkout on Black Friday can take forever. When you get to the cashier, remember that he/she is a person too and is just doing his/her job. They are away from their family on a holiday to be working. Being nice to them goes a long way, and sometimes they will give you the inside scoop on other sales. ????

11. Use Coupons.

Unless otherwise stated, you can use coupons with Black Friday purchases! Sometimes there are some good toy or DVD coupons you can use! Check out our Coupon Database here to see if there are any to match what you are purchasing.

12. Join this Facebook Group.

If you’ve been around for long, you know that I post A LOT of Black Friday Deals! You can join this Facebook Group HERE where we post the best deals at 40% off or more. You can even ask questions and get one-on-one help finding a deal.

If you’re not one to do a lot of Black Friday shopping and would rather stay home and shop, you can read these tips here to maximize your savings while shopping online.

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💡 Frugal Tip: These items pay for themselves with the savings they bring! Which one is your favorite? Let us know! ⬇️