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31 Days to Clutter Free Challenge:: Day 8-Junk Drawer – Frugal Finds During Naptime

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Do you have a “junk drawer” in your home? I know the purpose of a junk drawer is to kind of catch little necessary items that you do not have a “home”; however, if there are too many unnecessary items in your junk drawer, it becomes a little too “junky”. Then when you need to find that small item, you just can’t find it because of all the “junk”.

Today’s assignment is to go through and “declutter” your junk drawer. Use these tips to clear it out and only keep the necessary items in an organized space.

  • First, access whether you actually use the items in your drawer. If you don’t, you need to get rid of those items.
  • If you have more than one junk drawer, start with just one. {You will be too overwhelmed if you try to declutter them all at once.}
  • Empty the drawer of it’s contents {this way you can see what you have}.
  • Sort through the items and make four stacks: Keep, Donate, Toss, and Put Away {many times items in our junk drawers end up there but have a “home”.}
  • Only keep items that are currently useful, work, and do not have another home
  • Donate or sell items that you do not use anymore but have some sort of value.
  • Put away items that belong somewhere else and ended up in your junk drawer.
  • Toss items that are broken, damaged, missing pieces, you don’t need, don’t use, don’t want, or drive you insane.
  • Also, do not feel obligated to keep items just because they were expensive or a gift. It’s OK to part with them and clear up some space.

I want to see pictures of your junk drawers. Even if it’s your organized one. ???? Remember to use the hash-tags #FFDNTChallenge & #ClutterFreeFFDNT to be entered into the drawing.

If you missed an assignment, you can catch up here. If you want to work ahead on any of the assignments you can download the Kindle version of the book here.

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