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Become a Couponing Pro: Insider Secrets for Busy Moms

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Parenting is one of the most expensive and time-consuming experiences that a person can go through; of course, there are plenty of positive things about being a mom, but you’ll be spending both time and money like never before.

That’s why it’s a good idea to look for whatever deals you possibly can to save yourself some cash, but doing so can be an intricate and hard-to-learn process.

We’ve put together some of our best insider tips and tricks to help you become a couponing pro so that you can score the deals that leave your bank account looking that bit healthier.


What is couponing?

First, here’s a quick rundown of what exactly couponing is and why it could save you money.

As you’ve probably guessed from the name, couponing refers to the practice of saving up both paper and digital “coupons” – that is, deals in stores – to shave some of the cost off your shop.

For instance, if you spot a paper coupon in a magazine that’s offering a buy-one-get-one-free coffee at a major coffee chain, you’d cut that coupon out and save it.

Similarly, if you see a deal on a website that looks good, but you don’t need it right now, you’d save that deal for a later date when you’re going to need it.

It should be obvious why couponing is beneficial; after all, why pay full price for something when you could get a discount? Even if the percentages are fairly small at first, they’ll quickly add up!

So, now that we know what couponing is, let’s move on to our tips to help you get better at it.


Download a browser extension to help you

There are so many e-commerce websites out there now that keeping track of the deals they all offer is borderline impossible.

Thankfully, there are lots of browser extensions out there that can help you; many of them will even apply discounts automatically when you check out!

Perhaps the most well-known of these apps is Honey, which simplifies the process significantly; all you’ve got to do is click, and any discounts that might apply to your item will be automatically taken away from the cost.

You could also look into cashback apps like Ibotta, although that one’s restricted to the US, so you won’t be able to use it if you’re in the UK or Europe, sadly.

In any case, don’t try couponing out there on the internet on your own, because you’ll swiftly become overwhelmed by the sheer amount of choice there is. Download a browser extension and save your sanity.


Make sure to read the fine print carefully

It’s very important to read the fine print of any coupon or discount that you discover on your couponing travels.

There’s no feeling worse than confidently striding to checkout with your item, whether that’s in-store or digitally, only to find that the discount or coupon you’ve discovered only applies in a very specific set of circumstances.

Reading the fine print might not be particularly exciting, but companies are often banking on the fact that many don’t read terms and conditions, and doing so could save you from potential disappointment.


Start with a single store

You might be tempted to rush out and coupon as efficiently as possible, casting as wide a net as you can, but if you’re planning to become a couponing pro, you’ve got to start small.

That means picking a single store that you visit often and trying to gather as many coupons for that store as you can rather than spreading yourself too thin.

Try to choose a store that you depend on for your day-to-day shopping; a grocery store or supermarket chain would be a great first pick, or perhaps a clothing store.

Keep a lookout for any coupons you can spot relating to that store, including any that store staff are giving out in the actual shop itself, and once you’ve mastered that process, you can apply it to other stores.


Join a social media group

Many couponing groups exist on social media; there’s a particular prevalence of this type of group on Facebook, and while couponing groups often appear and disappear fairly quickly, there’s usually no shortage of them.

Try to join groups that pertain mostly to your local area, because that way, you’ll get more coupons that are relevant to the shops you know you have nearby.

There are also often permanent groups that apply to a whole country or region, and those are worth joining as well, because they’ll often point out deals and coupons for chain stores.

Joining a group means that other eagle-eyed couponers can spot deals you might have missed, and you can do the same for them, so everyone wins in the long run.


Be prepared to devote some time to your couponing

We know that we said parenting can be time-consuming at the top of this article, and that couponing was a way to help you save time, but that’s only true once you become a real pro.

At the beginning, you may be spending quite a bit of time researching different store policies and coupon offers before you learn what to look for and how to streamline the process of couponing.

You’ll need to be prepared to devote a little time to your couponing efforts, at least in the beginning. Eventually, you’ll learn how to spot deals quickly and efficiently, but it might be a little confusing at first.

It will get quicker and easier, so just put the time in initially and you’ll reap the rewards!


Don’t be tempted to coupon for useless items

One of the biggest and most prominent pitfalls for couponing amateurs is the desire to buy everything that has a coupon attached.

If you’re not going to need the item, it doesn’t matter how big or enticing the discount is; simply walking away will always save you money.

Think of it this way: you might be scoring a major discount on that item, but there’s no discount greater than zero, which is what you’ll be spending if you resist the temptation.