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Six Hilarious Truths Blogging Has Taught Me – Frugal Finds During Naptime

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I've learned a lot over the last year. Read six hilarious truths I've learned along the way.

I have learned a lot since I started blogging a little over a year ago. One of the very first things I learned was how to use instagram in order to further the success of your blog. Having plenty of instagram followers is definitely key. I thought it would be easy, and I thought I knew what I was doing. Boy was I wrong!

Here are six hilarious truths I’ve learned over the past year.

1. Traffic in the “blog” sense doesn’t refer to how many vehicles are on the road way. It refers to how many people are actually coming to my blog. Speaking of which, thank you for stopping by. ???? {You can subscribe here to get a daily recap.}

2. Sadly, Java doesn’t refer to coffee. I wish it were, because I can solve coffee problems since I find a lot of deals on coffee. I’m not too good at solving Java issues. Nonetheless, it has to do with script running in the background when it comes to JavaScript issues. As far as actual Java. . well, I’m still lost on that one.

3. Cookies has nothing to do with those delicious, fattening, baked goods I can almost always get for free or less than $1 with coupons. It has everything to do with your internet history. I’ve had to “clear cookies” so many times when making updates and changes on the back end to make sure things look right because the internet was still using the “old cookie” to pull the information from. I’ve learned how to use a vpn in order to protect myself from cookies when visiting other sites too.

4. Cache (pronounced “cash”) has nothing to do with actual cash money. I know. I was disappointed too when my hubby started talking about the cache on my website one night. It has to do with how quickly my site loads up for each visitor. I have learned though that traffic, java, and cookies can actually make or break my actual cash flow from this site. Which that reminds me, I do need to disclose, yet again, that yes, I do make some money off this site and it costs me to run it as well.

5. “If you build it, they will come” only exists in the movie Field of Dreams. I thought “If I start a website, people will automatically come to it.” Yeah, I still laugh about that one. Not only is creating a website of your own especially difficult, though it can be made easier if you use a professional team such as MadeSimpleMedia to help you build your site, getting people to actually come to your site is just as difficult. I have had to work hard for every single bit of traffic (not cars) that come to my site; however, if there were a way to build something for the “Shoeless Joe Jackson” of blogging to “come” or let me play in his/her “ball park” I would because goodness knows I need all the help I can get. That being said, there are some fantastic website building tools out there nowadays. Correspondingly, if you are thinking of using a website designer tool to start your very own blog, you might find the makeawebsitehub website to be a useful resource. Above all, be sure to do plenty of research when designing your website or blog as making the right impression is crucial.

6. Facebook has reconnected many old friends since high school; however, they are not so friendly when it comes to bloggers and businesses. Did you know that Facebook wants me to pay them to show my fans money saving posts and tips in their Facebook feed? Yeah, it’s a little counterproductive don’t you think?

Needless to say, learning the real meanings of some of these computer terms was quite upsetting to me. Especially the “cache” one. And, who would’ve thought that Facebook, “re-connector of friendships” would be so unfriendly?

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