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Mommy Moments Monday:: No Job is Too Small When It Comes to Kingdom Work – Frugal Finds During Naptime

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Each Sunday Morning, I get to serve with my husband in the sound booth at church. If you had told me even two years ago that I would be serving where I am, I would have told you that you were crazy. You see, I wasn’t much of a “tech-y” person until my husband helped me set up this site. Since then, he has been extremely patient with me and has taught me what I need to know to keep my costs low and not have to hire anyone to run the back end for me. {He rocks!}

When I approached about serving in the position I am in, I was excited and took it right away. Then I thought, “oh no! Can I really do this?” I serve as the “producer” during the second service and make sure things are running smoothly and correctly during the service. I oversee the team and make sure everything goes as it is supposed to.

Holy Bible on a wooden church bench.

I know what you’re thinking, “That doesn’t seem so hard.”

Well, it’s really not. The issue I had was that one of the people I “oversee” is my husband.

You’re probably thinking, “What’s the big deal about that?”

Well, for the first half of our marriage, I wasn’t too good with “submission”. In fact, I completely failed at it! I still struggle with it from time-to-time, and I still mess up. I was afraid that me being in the position to “oversee” my husband that I would end up falling back into my old habits of trying to take charge, when that’s not my place or position.

I spoke with my husband about it, and he was excited for me. He even told me he thought I would do a good job. I replied, “But, I will be ‘over’ you in a sense. How can I do that? Won’t it look like I’m ‘bossing’ you around if I have to ask you to do something? It won’t bother you?”

He replied, “Nope. And you will be asking me just like you will be everyone else if you need me to do something. It doesn’t bother me, and I think you will be good at it.”


My husband and I after a church service.


I was grateful, but still nervous that I might fall back into some old habits. With a lot of prayer, I haven’t. ???? I also look forward to serving with him each Sunday morning. I don’t look at it as I “oversee” anyone. We all work together to make the service go as it should. We’re a team. Everyone has been wonderful that I have met and worked with.

I feel like I’m fulfilling one of the purposes God has for my life. I never thought that pushing buttons to make the lights come on at the right time, learning all the “ins and outs” of what goes into making the service run,  and even pushing the button to make the right slide come on at just the right time would make me feel like it does. I know it’s something small; however, it’s a small part of what makes things work in God’s kingdom. It takes a lot of people pushing buttons at the right time, a teacher speaking a Bible verse at the right time, a youth pastor not giving up on a teenager struggling, a teacher still praying for the child that drives him/her crazy on Sunday Mornings, and even the sweet people who give up their time to rock babies and change dirty diapers to make everything work together in God’s Kingdom to reach others for Him. If you feel like what you do on Sunday Mornings, or Wednesday Nights doesn’t matter, it does. No job is too small, when it comes to Kingdom work.

Do you serve at your church on Sunday Mornings, Wednesday Nights, or during another time? I would LOVE to hear what you do.

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