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Friday Freebie:: FREE Burrito – Frugal Finds During Naptime

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tinas burritoIf you like burritos, you can pick one up through Sunday evening for FREE! For this weekend’s Friday Freebie, you can get 100% back on one 4-5 oz. Tina’s Burrito. Simply go here to activate your ecoupon. If you’re going to the grocery store, make sure your store cards are connected to your account (Winn-Dixie, Kroger, etc.) and purchase one Tina’s Burrito. Within forty-eight hours, you should receive 100% of the purchase price in your SavingStar account.

If you are heading out to Walmart, or Target, you can STILL pick up your FREE burrito. Pick it up, then submit your receipt via the SavingStar app. You will still receive 100% of the purchase price in your account within forty-eight hours.


Note:: This post may contain affiliate links to keep this site free. For any questions regarding this, please see my disclosure policy.

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