If you go through a lot of milk at your house, you will probably be excited about this milk deal! I know I am because I usually spend $12 a week just on milk. This week, you can snag it for just $0.15 a gallon after a Dollar General digital coupon and an Ibotta mobile rebate.
(1) Gallon of Milk, $2.40
-(1) $2.00 off of a purchase of $2.01 or more Dollar General mobile coupon
Pay:: $0.40
Submit your receipt to Ibotta for $0.25 cash back when you purchase a gallon of milk. After Ibotta rebate, it’s just $0.15!
If you are new to Ibotta, you can sign up here and receive an additional $2.00 rebate when you submit your first receipt. That would make your gallon of milk FREE! ????