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Publix:: Progresso Canned Beans $0.64 -Stock Up for Fall – Frugal Finds During Naptime

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Progresso BeansNot only do I love Fall because of cute leggings, boots, and pumpkin recipes, I also love the chilis and soups that come with it! ???? We eat a lot of soups in the Fall and Winter. They are quick to prep, and SUPER cheap! A basic, in most chili recipes and some soups, is beans. If your family eats a lot of soups and chilis in the Fall and Winter months, go ahead and print this coupon to snag Progresso beans for just $0.64 a can at Publix this week.  {This is cheaper than the store brand of beans!}

(4) cans of Progresso Beans, $0.89 each
Total before coupons:: $3.56

$1.00 off of any four Progresso products printable

Pay:: $2.56 or $0.64 per can

See another Publix deal here.

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