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Tips to Save More Money at Publix – Frugal Finds During Naptime

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Publix is my favorite place to buy groceries! Not only can I save more money at Publix, but the store is clean, the staff is wonderful, and the free cookies they give my girls keep make them happy (and keep me sane!). ???? I have complied everything I have learned in one place to help you save more money at Publix as well.

  1. Take advantage of the free cookies and balloons for your kids- If you tackle the grocery store with your young children or grandchildren in tow, stop by the bakery to grab a free cookie for them. This normally keeps my kids quiet long enough for me to at least add up my purchase to make sure I stayed in budget before heading to checkout. Sometimes, I stop by the bakery when I’m done shopping rather than at the beginning. . . I mean, a little extra incentive to keep my kids behaved in the store usually works. ???? You can also get a free Publix balloon for your kids. Normally, we start with the cookies, shop, and then get a balloon on the way out.
  2. Sign up for the Best Meals Happen at Home- You can sign up for the Best Meals Happen at Home to receive Publix coupons about once a month for items in the store. Each month there are different coupons emailed to you. Usually they have a few coupons for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They also include recipes to go along with the coupons for the items. You can sign up here for the Best Meals Happen at Home emails with coupons and recipes.
  3. If you have a baby, sign up for the Publix Baby Club- The Publix Baby Club is good from before birth until the age of 2. Each quarter you receive a new set of Publix coupons. The coupons are usually for whichever stage your baby is at developmentally and what he/she would typically need. For example, when Landrye (my one year old) was around four months old, the Publix coupons were for baby cereal, baby food, baby spoons, and other feeding items. When she turned a year old, we got coupons for a cake, ice cream, balloons, and other things to help save on her birthday. You can sign up for the Publix Baby Club here.
  4. Stack your coupons- All Publix stores take competitor coupons. Find out which competitor coupons your Publix store accepts. My Publix store accepts Target, Winn-Dixie, and Piggly Wiggly. This means, if there is a sale on chips and I had a store coupon from Target and a manufacture coupon from the newspaper, I could use both coupons together to get the item for less. When stacking store and manufacture coupons together, you can really stack on the savings! Just check with your Publix on which competitor coupons they accept.
  5. Use the $5.00 Winn-Dixie Coupons first- If your Publix accepts Winn-Dixie as a competitor, you can really stack on the savings if you have the $5.00 off of $30.00 Winn-Dixie purchase coupons! To get the most out of these coupons, give the $5.00 Winn-Dixie coupon prior to your other store and manufacture coupons. If you have a $30.00 purchase and give the cashier the coupons as they scan the item, it will bring your total down below the $30.00 requirement to use the coupon. If you wait to give your cashier the coupons at the end, give the $5.00 Winn-Dixie coupon first. It will automatically take $5.00 off the top of your purchase! Then give your cashier your other coupons. You will save an extra $5.00 just by doing this! When I go to Publix, I divide out my coupons. First, I give the cashier my $5.00 Winn-Dixie coupons. Second, I have the competitor coupons. Third, any Publix store coupons I have. Lastly, I give the cashier my manufacture coupons.
  6. Use the store coupons from the free flyers- Publix has a lot of store coupons that you can get in the store for free. Most of the times, these Publix store coupons match up with a Publix sale or a manufacture coupon. You can use one store (Publix or a competitor) coupon, and one manufacture coupon per item, unless otherwise stated. Make sure you get a few of these free flyers. There is a new green grocery flyer out about once a month. A purple health and beauty flyer usually comes out about twice a month.
  7. Save your receipt-  If you get home and realize you had a few coupons you forgot to take with you or use on your purchase, take your receipt and coupons back up to customer service desk at Publix. They will give you the cash for the coupons! When this happens to me, I put the coupons and receipts together in a place I will see to remind me to take them with me next time I go to Publix. Then before I start grocery shopping, I stop by customer service with my receipt and coupons or else I will forget again. ????
  8. Get a rain check- If there is a really hot item on sale at Publix, a lot of time this item will go fast. If this happens and the item is gone when you get to the store, go to customer service and ask for a rain check. A rain check is a little voucher that will give you the sale item at the sale price even after the item is no longer on sale. These rain checks are good for 30-days. If Publix is still out of the item at around 30-days, take your rain check back to customer service and ask for a new rain check. They will extend it out another 30-days and possibly order the item for you so you can be sure to get it.

This is from my personal experiences with Publix. This is how I am able to save more money at Publix each week. Do you have any tips you would add? If so, leave it in the comments. ????

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